Safety in Action

Vision Zero Action Plan

We are working to make our roads safer for everyone. Over the last 10 years, 327 people have died while walking, biking, or driving in our community. These are our friends, our families and our neighbors. The number of fatalities in our community has been on the rise recently and we are taking action to bring the number of traffic fatalities and serious injuries to zero by the year 2030 by implementing Vision Zero Truckee Meadows. The only acceptable number of traffic deaths in our community is zero.


The Vision Zero Task Force is taking a multimodal approach to safety by integrating all modes of transportation into regional planning. By creating an interconnected multimodal transportation system, people have more travel choices.

Road projects are incorporating the Complete Streets design principles to provide safe access and travel for all users. Complete Streets design treatments have demonstrated a reduction in crashes of up to 46% on regional roads in Washoe County.

Safe & Complete Streets - Road Projects Update

Engineering projects in support of Vision Zero incorporate effective safety improvements such as protected bike lanes, wider sidewalks and reduced traffic speeds. The goal is to calm traffic, enhance visibility and improve the organization of our streets.

Road projects are incorporating the Complete Streets design principles to provide safe access and travel for all users. Complete Streets design treatments have demonstrated a reduction in crashes of up to 46% on regional roads in Washoe County.


Complete Streets designs generally slow traffic to about the speed limit, which reduces the number and severity of crashes, making the roadway safer for all users. Roadway designs that encourage motorists to drive at posted speeds and provide a designated spaces for walking and biking will improve safety for all pedestrians.


The range of improvements, which are selected based on corridor land-use characteristics and transportation patterns, include the following:

  • Roundabouts
  • Narrow travel lanes (12 feet or fewer)
  • Reducing vehicle and pedestrian conflict points by reducing underutilized traffic lanes
  • Adding center turn lanes
  • Adding bicycle lanes, shared paths, cycle tracks or sharrows
  • Installing or upgrading sidewalks and crosswalks
  • Installing pedestrian crossing/waiting areas in median islands
  • Installing or upgrading transit stops
  • Lowered Speed Limits


Learn more about projects in each jurisdiction by following the links below:
City of Reno
City of Sparks
Washoe County
Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County

Safe Routes to School

This regional program funded by the Regional Transportation Commission promotes and supports safe walking and bicycling to elementary and middle schools throughout our community.. The goal of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is to reduce the number of vehicles within the vicinity of K-8 schools and, through education and encouragement of students and parents, increase the number of students commuting to and from school by walking or bicycling. Studies show that active students arrive to school ready to learn and SRTS promotes physical activity and reducing vehicle emissions, as well as healthy lifestyles.

Contact us to have a speaker at your child’s elementary or middle school.

Bike & Pedestrian Safety

Bicycle safety improvements across Truckee Meadows are helping growing numbers of people to bike safely and comfortably across the region.

The purpose of the Reno Sparks Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is to make the region as bicycle and pedestrian friendly as possible in order to encourage people of all ages, abilities, and means to walk and/or bicycle.

Our analysis of bicycle-facilities improvement projects shows that when infrastructure supports safe bicycling, the number of bicyclists increases.

Technology in Transportation

Many people consider autonomous vehicles to be a significant part of the future of the automotive industry.

As the technology for autonomous vehicles continues to develop, it may be necessary for state and municipal governments to address the potential impacts of these vehicles on the road.
More information as it becomes available.