Pedestrian crash data for each focus area (shown on the right) has been collected over a five-year period. The Vision Zero Task Force is using the data to identify trends and determine what proven strategies will help save lives, prevent severe injuries, and increase physical activity while benefiting the environment and local economy and advancing equality. These strategies include lowering speed limits, redesigning streets, implementing meaningful behavior-change campaigns, and enhancing data-driven traffic enforcement.
The pedestrian data collected for each focus area has been compiled into graphs, charts, and maps, including a graph of time of day and season-specific trends, pedestrian actions, driver actions, serious- and fatal-injury pedestrian crash locations, lighting conditions, pedestrian crashes by age group, driver impairment, and pedestrian impairment.

The task force is now transitioning from collecting data to creating action plans for each focus area. The goal is to create action plans for each focus area and then plan implementation strategies.